The symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment of piles

Introduction of piles:

Symptoms causes and Treatment of piles. Before that we show know about what is piles . Let’s know something about piles.  Hemorrhoids are commonly referred to as “piles”.   Every human has hemorrhoids, according to numerous studies, and the size of the piles is what determines the condition’s diagnosis. It’s common for women over the age of 40 to develop piles, and pregnant women are not immune. This blog explains what piles are, their causes, how they feel and look, and whether or not hemorrhoids can go away on their own.

What exactly are piles? (Hemorrhoids)

 Hemorrhoids blood vessels, also known as piles, are enlarged and irritable blood vessels that are located in the lower region of the rectum or anal. Although piles can occasionally cause pain and swelling, for normal anal tissues to experience such pain and swelling, something very serious must have caused the pain and swelling.

What types of haemorrhoids are capable of affecting females?

Haemorrhoids can develop inside or outside the rectum or anal canal, and you should be aware of this.Where the swelling is located determines the type of hemorrhoids that have developed:


These are haemorrhoids that can swell, bleed, crack, and itch veins that are not inside the anus.Depending on how bad the piles are, they might fill up with blood and clot. Even though they are not harmful, they can cause excruciating pain, discomfort, and swelling.


Inside the rectum, these haemorrhoids are located. Internal haemorrhoids can be extremely uncomfortable even though they are typically not felt or visible.Although most of the time they are painless, these haemorrhoids can make it difficult and uncomfortable to pass stool. The patient might see a few drops of blood in the bathroom.


The internal and external haemorrhoids may prolapse, or stretch and enlarge outside the anus or anal canal, in certain circumstances. These haemorrhoids could be painful or bleed.

What signs do haemorrhoids exhibit?

The type and severity of the haemorrhoids will determine the signs and symptoms. Symptoms causes and Treatment of piles .

  • Bleeding
  • Discomfort and pain when using the restroom
  • In and around the anal canal, itching or irritation
  • A headache near the anus
  • Swollen veins that, depending on their severity and location, may or may not be painful
  • Blood on the bathroom tissue
  • Firm mass surrounding the anus

Although symptoms may be inconvenient or upsetting, they typically disappear within a few days.

What are the reasons and causes of female piles?

There are numerous causes of piles in women. Here are a few typical reasons why your risk of developing piles may rise.

Women in pregnancy

When a woman is 36 weeks pregnant, the baby enters the pelvic cavity, placing pressure on the pelvic area. 

This causes the anal and rectal blood vessels to enlarge and form piles. These heaps typically disappear after the birth of a child.


Even though anyone can experience this, pregnant women frequently do.

Women who are expecting often experience constipation, which can occasionally last for a long time.

Lack of fibre in the diet causes constipation, which puts strain on the urethra and can result in piles or haemorrhoids.


People who frequently experience diarrhoea or who have dealt with it for a long time may also experience piles.

Diarrhoea can aggravate and swell haemorrhoids, which can cause inflammation and uncomfortable feelings.

Extended sitting

Both men and women who work jobs that require prolonged sitting may experience hip pressure, which causes the gluteal muscles to spread out. 

Small veins near the anus and rectum are strained, resulting in pain and vein swelling.


The majority of haemorrhoids occur in people over the age of 50. 

Haemorrhoids, on the other hand, can also affect young people and children.

Large lifting 

Heavy lifting can potentially exacerbate or contribute to the development of piles (hemorrhoids) due to the increased intra-abdominal pressure and strain placed on the rectal area. Here’s how heavy lifting can affect piles Haemorrhoids are more likely to occur in people who are overly addicted to exercise and heavy lifting

Ayurvedic Treatment of piles :

Ayurveda, a traditional Indian system of medicine, offers various remedies for treating piles, also known as hemorrhoids. Here are some Ayurvedic treatments commonly recommended for managing piles:

  1. Dietary Changes: Consuming fiber-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes can help regulate bowel movements and prevent constipation, which aggravates piles.  Dietary changes play a significant role in managing piles (hemorrhoids) by promoting regular bowel movements, preventing constipation, and reducing strain during defecation. Here are some dietary recommendations to consider
  2. Hydration: Hydration is a critical aspect of overall health and is particularly important for maintaining proper bowel function, which can impact conditions such as piles (hemorrhoids). Here’s why hydration is essential and how it relates to managing piles. Drinking an adequate amount of water throughout the day is essential to keep stools soft and prevent constipation.
  3. Triphala: Triphala is a popular Ayurvedic herbal formulation composed of three fruits: Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica), and Haritaki (Terminalia chebula). It is known for its mild laxative properties and can help regulate bowel movements, thereby reducing the discomfort associated with piles.
  4. Herbal Supplements: Ayurvedic practitioners may recommend herbal supplements such as Arshoghni Vati, Pilex tablets, or piles capsules containing ingredients like neem, haritaki, vidanga, and triphala for managing piles.
  5. Ayurvedic Formulations: Various Ayurvedic formulations such as Avipattikar Churna, Trikatu Churna, and Kutajarishta are used to alleviate symptoms associated with piles, including pain, inflammation, and bleeding.
  6. Topical Applications: External application of herbal ointments or pastes containing ingredients like neem, aloe vera, turmeric, and sesame oil may provide relief from pain, itching, and inflammation associated with piles.
  7. Lifestyle Modifications: Adopting a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise, stress management techniques, and avoiding prolonged sitting or straining during bowel movements can help prevent and manage piles.
  8. Ayurvedic Procedures: In severe cases, Ayurvedic treatments such as Kshara Sutra therapy, which involves the application of a medicated alkaline thread to the base of the pile mass, or Agnikarma, a procedure that involves the application of thermal cauterization to hemorrhoidal tissues, may be recommended by Ayurvedic practitioners.
  9. It’s essential to consult with a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner before starting any treatment regimen for piles, as the effectiveness of the treatment may vary based on individual constitution and severity of symptoms. Additionally, if you experience severe pain, bleeding, or any other concerning symptoms, it’s crucial to seek medical attention promptly.


40 to 50% of the population suffers from haemorrhoids, which are very common.

Both men and women may experience severe piles symptoms, even after attempting home remedies and modifying their lifestyles.

If a patient's haemorrhoids continue for longer than a week, immediate medical attention might be needed.

Make a consultation appointment with our top-rated Piles treatment in Chandigarh for more details or customised guidance.