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Arogya Dham Panchkula provides best facilities in Ano rectal diseases, it is the oldest, permanent and authorized centre for central govt. employees in the tricity providing best services to the ano rectal patients.
Arogya Dham
Arogya Dham Panchkula provides best facilities in Ano rectal diseases, it is the oldest, permanent and authorized centre for central govt. employees in the tricity providing best services to the ano rectal patients. We in Arogya Dham have ultra modern medicines, super specialist doctors and experienced staff to treat the patients. Different procedures are used to treat patients according to the stage of diseases. Treatments given in Arogya dham are time tested and renowned methods. Sometimes in ano rectal diseases patients are not aware of the ailments they are suffering from.
For the knowledge of patients here is some basic information about various ano rectal diseases.

Piles :Â Piles may be External & Internal (Hammeroides)
External Hammeroides :Â These are Hard skin coloured out growths protruding out from the anal region, can be felt easily by the patient himself.
Internal Hammeroides :Â These are soft skin masses inside the anus, may or may not be felt outside, Painless Bleeding is the main symptom of internal Hammeroides. In later stages internal Hammeroides prolapsed our during defecation and patient needs to replace them back with the finger.
Fissures :Â This is the most painful Ano Rectal disease, may or may not be accomplained with Bleeding.
FISTULAS :Â Patient feels a small boil around the anal region which does not heel and reoccurs again & again. Foul smelling muccous discharge is released from this boil.
Common Causes Of Piles.
a) Straining During Defecation
b) Obesity
c) Long Sitting hours
d) Constipation or Diarrhoea
e) Sendentary life style
f) Pregnancy
g) Hereditary
Learn How To Face Ano Rectal Diseases
Things you need to Avoid
1) Spices
2) Chocolates
3) Pizzas/Breads
4) Pickles
5) Fried & Restaurant Food
6) Hard Drinks
7) Straining during defecation
Signs & Symptom Of Piles
a) Bleeding Per Rectum during defecation.
b) Itching/Pain in Anal Region.
c) Boil or abscess around the anus.
Things You Require In Large Quantities
1) Fruits (Peaches, Papaya, Apple, Melon Etc)
2) Green Leafy Vegetables & Salads
3) Plenty of Fluids
4) High Fibre Diet
5) Regular Exercise
When to consult your doctor
1) If you see bleeding on your tissue paper or in the bowl, do not ignore it. It is the most common sign of ano rectal diseases and you need to consult your doctor at the earliest
2) If you feel any pain or itching during defecation and all your home remedies fail to give you any relief.
3) If you have clots of blood and mucous and have any sort of pain in abdomen or urge to go to the loo more than twice a day you may be suffering from some colo rectal diseases.
For proper diagnose of the diseases you need to consult a qualified doctor at once.
Patients treated here in Arogya dham does not need any admission but the procedure is very simple and safe and after an hour rest patient can go back home.
Patients suffering from chronic diseases like joint pain, arthritis, skin diseases, migraine, sinusitis are also treated with ayurvedic medicines.
Arogya dham 969 A, Sec 12-A Panchkula (Behind Govt. dispensary)
DR. RAJAN GOEL (B.A.M.S.M.D (A.MED) 9814611971
DR. POONAM GOEL (B.A.M.S.M.D (A.MED) 9814600971
EMAIL : aarogyadhampkl@gmail.com

Aarogya Dham Panchkula provides best facilities in Ano rectal diseases, it is the oldest, permanent and authorized centre for central govt. employees in the tricity providing best services to the ano rectal patients. We in Aarogya Dham have ultra modern medicines, super specialist doctors and experienced staff to treat the patients. Different procedures are used to treat patients according to the stage of diseases. Treatments given in Aarogya dham are time tested and renowned methods. Sometimes in ano rectal diseases patients are not aware of the ailments they are suffering from.

Aarogya Dham Panchkula provides best facilities in Ano rectal diseases, it is the oldest, permanent and authorized centre for central govt. employees in the tricity providing best services to the ano rectal patients. We in Aarogya Dham have ultra modern medicines, super specialist doctors and experienced staff to treat the patients. Different procedures are used to treat patients according to the stage of diseases. Treatments given in Aarogya dham are time tested and renowned methods. Sometimes in ano rectal diseases patients are not aware of the ailments they are suffering from.

Arogya Dham Panchkula provides best facilities in Ano rectal diseases, it is the oldest, permanent and authorized centre for central govt. employees in the tricity providing best services to the ano rectal patients. We in Arogya Dham have ultra modern medicines, super specialist doctors and experienced staff to treat the patients. Different procedures are used to treat patients according to the stage of diseases. Treatments given in Arogya dham are time tested and renowned methods. Sometimes in ano rectal diseases patients are not aware of the ailments they are suffering from.
Arogya Dham Panchkula provides best facilities in Ano rectal diseases, it is the oldest, permanent and authorized centre for central govt. employees in the tricity providing best services to the ano rectal patients. We in Arogya Dham have ultra modern medicines, super specialist doctors and experienced staff to treat the patients. Different procedures are used to treat patients according to the stage of diseases. Treatments given in Arogya dham are time tested and renowned methods. Sometimes in ano rectal diseases patients are not aware of the ailments they are suffering from.