Everything You Need to Know About Piles

Everything You Need to Know About Piles its all about Piles also referred to as haemorrhoids, are described as a buildup of inflamed tissues in the anal canal.Blood vessels, muscle, support tissue, and elastic fibres may all be examples of this.The issue of piles affects a large number of people. The symptom might not always be evident, though.The causes, symptoms, classification, treatment, and effects of haemorrhoids or piles on the human body will all be clarified in this blog post.

Quick  Everything You Need to Know About Piles


  • When the tissues and veins are inflamed and swollen, it is said to have piles or haemorrhoids.
  • Different pile sizes can be found both inside and outside the anus.
  • Chronic diarrhoea and constipation, pregnancy, lifting heavy objects, and straining while passing faeces are among the health issues that can cause piles.
  • Typically, a doctor’s examination can determine whether someone has piles.
  • Haemorrhoids are graded on a scale from I to IV, with grades III or IV potentially requiring surgery.

What are Piles?

In nature, piles are rectum veins that are swollen and inflamed.Everything You Need to Know About Piles

  • They appear as a result of the increased pressure that long-term constipation, ageing, and in some cases, pregnancy, place on the veins in the rectal area.
  • These nerves swell up in response to stress, which also causes the surrounding tissues to sink downward.
  • The swelling can cause discomfort, pain, and even rectal bleeding when stool passes through it.
  • It’s critical to get medical help as soon as possible because bleeding piles can also result in an infection.

Types of Pile

Haemorrhoids can be categorised according to where they are located as follows:

  • Internal Haemorrhoids

Internal haemorrhoids cannot be felt or seen because they are too deep inside the rectum. There is typically no pain because the cavity’s interior contains insufficient pain-sensing nerves. The only symptom of internal haemorrhoids may actually be bleeding.

  • External Haemorrhoids

Those that are under the skin around the anus are known as external haemorrhoids. The anal opening contains a large number of pain-sensing nerves, which causes both pain and bleeding. Additionally, they are more likely to hurt while defecating.

Symptoms of Piles

Some of the most typical piles symptoms, though not everyone will, include:

  • Bowel movements that hurt
  • Swelling or painful lumps close to the anus
  • Having a mucus discharge while urinating
  • After bowel movements, bleeding
  • Itching and irritation near the affected area
  • Pain or discomfort while seated
  • Anus area is surrounded by redness and pain.

These are the root causes of Piles:

Haemorrhoids or piles may develop as a result of increased pressure in the lower rectum. Everything You Need to Know About Piles

Blood vessels near the anus and in the rectum could be swollen or bulging; these blood vessels could then become compressed and form piles.

This is possible because of:

  • Chronic diarrhoea
  • Chronic constipation
  • Pregnancy
  • Performing heavy lifting
  • Straining as you go to the bathroom

Additionally, the propensity for the development of piles can be inherited and increases proportionally with age.

Suffering from Piles Pain? Go see a doctor.

The majority of people are embarrassed to discuss piles. However, remaining silent and delaying treatment may prevent you from experiencing pain relief. The suffering of the disease can affect anyone, and piles are a common cause for concern. Any patient dealing with piles must realise that their condition does not set them apart from others.

No patient should be bothered because no doctor would object to discussing the condition. The consequences of piles might be much worse than one can imagine. Therefore, it is best to have your piles examined as soon as possible to safeguard both your health and your peace of mind.

In a patient, doctors have observed and heard everything. You no longer need to feel ashamed of your condition.

There are thousands of people daily battling anorectal diseases and other conditions, so you are not alone in this. Your condition could deteriorate as each day you put off getting treatment. No one wants to confront that.


If you are an anorectal patient Arogyadham is the best place to get rid of your piles in the simplest way. Best Lady Doctor for Piles in Chandigarh at Arogya Dham can treat your piles without surgery in minimum time. Everything You Need to Know About Piles

Kshar sutra is a Sanskrit phrase in which KSHAR refers to anything that is corrosive or caustic; while SUTRA means a thread. Kshar sutra is a therapy in ayurveda by Sushruta, Charak and Vagbhata. It is a minimal invasive ayurvedic Para surgical procedure and time tested ayurvedic technique in management of anorectal diseases. Kshara Sutra is a traditional Ayurvedic surgical procedure used for the treatment of various anorectal conditions, particularly fistula-in-ano, hemorrhoids (piles), and pilonidal sinus. The procedure involves the use of a medicated thread (kshara sutra) that is prepared by coating a surgical thread with a combination of herbal and alkaline substances.

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